Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Security Awareness Training

No matter how solid your cybersecurity posture and how minimal risk your employees are, you need to be prepared for the day a cyberattack occurs. Developing an incident response plan and running a war gaming exercise gives your employees the tools they need to respond quickly, mitigate the situation and return to business as usual.
What Is War Gaming?

War gaming sounds intense because it is. Take your employees, in particular your first responders, through a breach incident exercise. A first responder could be defined as any employee whose primary function is to communicate with customers digitally in addition to those who are charged with remediating a breach incident. Common first responders are customer service reps, administrators, the finance team and IT technicians.

But the war games shouldn’t stop with entry-level employees: an effective war game exercise also involves the executive suite.

All of your employees are your weakest link when it comes to IT security, therefore, if you are leaving out a particular team in your war gaming exercise, you’re inadvertently creating a weak link in your organization.

Including executives in the exercise is critical as they will be the most frequent target of cyberattacks. In reality, many executives are not IT saavy nor do they possess security awareness.
What to Include in an Incident Response Plan

The purpose of the war gaming exercise is to demonstrate to all employees the severe gravity of a breach incident. Beforehand, create an incident response plan.

Templates for incident response plans can easily be located online and can be used as a starting point, but it’s best to find something specific to your environment. Ask your professional network to share their incident response plans with you. And ask your security vendors for their incident response plan. Compare multiple response plans and use them to inspire your own.

Here are some tips for incident response plans for specific employees.
More Info: computech a+ certification

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