Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Project Management Is Important to Cybersecurity

Project management is defined as “the practice of initiating, planning, executing, controlling and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria at the specified time.” At least, so says Wikipedia.

As such, project management is an extremely useful skill set and important in many areas of cybersecurity and IT in general. Those in the field would do well to learn the basics of project management, and the CompTIA Project+ certification is an excellent way to demonstrate your mastery.
Applying Project Management to Cybersecurity

Project management is important for many reasons. First off, many cybersecurity and IT projects themselves are often run using project management principles and procedures. For example, you generally wouldn’t roll out a new end-point security solution to thousands of nodes without a plan. The same applies to most major IT implementations, such as upgrading or replacing desktops and infrastructure across the enterprise.

While smaller organizations might just wing it, so to speak, the risks are simply too great for a larger enterprise to attempt such an undertaking without a solid plan. Applying project management principles to such an implementation increases the odds of success and being able to complete the project on time and on budget.
More Info: comptia a+ description

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