Thursday, July 9, 2020

Board Transition Army Veterans to Tech Careers

The mission is to be accessible to our community and react and respond and be agile to provide those services in a timely manner. As a government organization, that is difficult to do… to be able to respond quickly and provide those services at a very personal level. But that is our goal… to reach the person and benefit them as an individual and on their needs more so than as a group or as a statistic. Or just as a number that comes through the front door. So, that is what we strive to do, is to enhance the lives and improve the lives of our community, put them first.

The mission is serving our community the way that best benefits them, not serving our community in the way that Austin, Texas tells us to do it, or the way that Washington, D.C. tells us to do it.

…Day to day, what our work is listening to what the needs are. Listening to our employers, listening to our job seekers, listening to our youth that are still in school, listening to our instructors, listening to our leaders, stakeholders, listening to what they want and expect and are demanding of the future.

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