If you are currently an IT professional with hands-on experience in the subject matter and minimal study needs, you are in a good position to take the SY0-601. Use the exam objectives as your guide and make sure you know what the concepts are and also how they relate to other areas. At the time of this writing, there is not a great deal of information available at the “usual” sites like blogs and newsletters. This will grow over time but above all else make sure you are using reputable sources not exam crams and brain dumps.
If you are updating your certification you may be able to update it using Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Essentially these are credits for achievements outside of CompTIA that can be applied to your Security+. You may recertify at a reduced cost and without the uncertainty that a new test present. Most of the major companies’ certifications from Amazon to Symantec can be used to certify. At the time of this writing 50 CEUs are required to renew your Security+. Many Certification bodies provide enough CEUs to obtain the Security+ credential. CompTIA actually provides an app you can use to certify with your CEUs.
In the objectives, content points have changed conceptually from terms like “Identify “something to “Compare and contrast” this with something else. Where the Security+ 501 asked you to identify objects, processes, or features, the new Security+ 601 expects you to be able to compare these points and their interoperability or lack thereof.
More Info: comptia project jobs
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