After establishing a botnet, the attacker directs the machines by sending updated instructions to each bot using remote control. A targeted IP address may receive requests from a multitude of bots, causing the targeted server or network to overflow capacity. This creates a denial-of-service to normal traffic.
Because each bot is a legitimate Internet device, separating the attack traffic from normal traffic can be difficult.Distributed denial of service incidents are closely associated with botnets, where hackers take over command and control of thousands of Internet-connected devices, and then in coordinated attacks, direct all of those devices to simultaneously send requests to the target. In recent years, however, hacktivist groups and crime organizations have increasingly begun using attack tools that are easy to obtain and simple to use.
These D DoS attack applications, such as WebHive LOIC, originated as tools for cybersecurity professionals to perform “stresser” testing on websites. In standalone instances, they are not capable of carrying out a serious DDoS attack. However when multiple stresser applications are coordinated together, whether through a botnet or via cloud service, these attack tools can take large commercial websites offline for extended periods.
More Info: how do you ddos
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