Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Different Programming Platforms

The Ability to Understand Different Programming Platforms: Until now, there has been a clear division between programming and infrastructure, but they are quickly integrating and melding, and the two sides need to be able to communicate and understand each other.
The Ability to Work Effectively in a Multi-Generational Workforce:Today’s workforce includes four generations, and each one brings unique capabilities. Each also has different communication styles, work styles and work expectations. Rather than clashing and going head to head, employees from different generations should embrace their differences and find ways to learn from each other and work smarter.
The Ability to Recognize the Value of Soft Skills in Productivity: “This is what separates a good candidate from a bad candidate,” Thibodeaux said. “If you don’t have soft skills, your chances of landing a job with a good company are substantially diminished.” Today’s IT workers need strong communication and collaboration skills to work across functions and with staff at all levels, from entry-level to the C-suite, as well as both on-site and remote employees

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